
if THEY didn't get it...

Well... it's been awhile since I've posted anything. So I'm mostly figuring that all my family and friends have stopped reading these ramblings of mine. But I came across these old posts by chance and I thought I go ahead and add a new one. It's along the same lines of the rest of the quasi-serious posts here, so I thought it would be a good place to pick back up.

And, to give credit where credit is due... the gist of this idea came from my lovely, and surprisingly wise wife/bff:

So, Jesus was walking around on this planet with these twelve guys for like three years. They ate with him, walked with him, talked with him, and breathed the same air he breathed. Yet even in times near the end of his extensive ministry, Jesus was still telling them things like, "No no no. Don't you guys get it yet? What I've been trying to teach you all along is..."

And now 2,000 years later, in a different time and place and culture, with merely a smidgen of an inkling of all the things he said and did, some of us Christians have the gall to act like we've got it all figured out and everybody else is stupid. If those twelve disciples didn't get it, how can we assume that we've got it down pat?

I'm not trying to say the truth is relative. I'm just saying, "Let's have a little grace. Shall we?"