Besides being a really good for a game of hang-man, mystery is a word that I’ve been thinking about more and more recently. I think God is an awesome mystery! And I think it’s something that we can tend to lose sight of.
The more you know about Him, the more you know how little you really know about Him. It’s impossible to imagine just how big and majestic He really is; which also means it’s impossible to imagine how much grace it takes for Him to be small enough to relate with us.
And I’m beginning to see that I’ve never really been able describe Him. God is a person of boundless love, and endless goodness, and His ways are far above my ways, and His thoughts above my thoughts. And I’m beginning to think that artists have it right. I don’t think all our rational thinking, logical discussion, and concrete doctrine can even begin to define Him. I think the closest pictures of God are seen in music, poetry, and other arts, like dance.
There’s something about music that reaches the heart. And after all, that’s where Jesus lives! The resonance, harmony, and emotion of music can somehow make us aware of Him without a single word. Whereas poetry taps into the essence of words. And after all, Jesus is the Word! God’s words have creative power. And being made in His image, our words can echo that power, reminding us of our Source. And other arts too are able to express these mysteries of God.
I think God is somewhere behind ideas and words, somewhere behind emotions and expressions, behind actions and motives. He’s at least greater than the sum of His parts. He’s spirit, and that alone is mysterious to us body-bound creatures.
Now I guess none of these descriptions are new or fantastic. And I hope you’ve had the chance to learn the same kind of thing in your walk with Him. I guess I’m just trying to share one of recent things I’m learning about Him. As God works and moves in my heart, I’m beginning to see that He is Heart too. And, I know, that sentence doesn’t make sense to me either. But neither does He.
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