Miss Wormwood…
May I be excused? My brain is full.
I know my blog frequency was spotty for a few months there, and now I’ve passed over two months without a peep! Sorry about that. But I figure if you’re reading this, you’ve forgiven me. So, thanks.
I’ve been learning a heck of a lot in the last two months (pretty much exactly since the last post) about people, life, etc. I still don’t have all the answers, and I’m still processing a lot of it. It’s part of the reason for the lack of posts. The emotional overload has been quite an experience, and I’ve spent my spare minutes thinking, praying, and coping with it all. I’m happily confident however that it’s all valuable life experience, seeing as how I have the best Teacher in the world. Also you’ll be happy to know that it’s given me a lot of great blog material.
That plus the fact that we now have DSL means that I’m once again saying, “I hope to blog more often now.” I know, I know, “We’ll see about that, Ben.” And we will.
For now, the main update is the resolution to the last post. We’ve decided to stick with our commitment here in Malta for one-year. Although several things in the last couple of months have made us want to go home sooner, that wasn’t really the question back in September. At that time we were wondering if we should stay longer than a year. But by now the Lord had made it clear that one year is just right. So, I’ll say to all of you back home, “We can’t wait to see you in the Spring!” We don’t have an exact return date yet, but we will soon.
What will we do when we get home? I don’t know. That’s the next ginormous question. And if I ever have an answer, I’ll let you know. Until then, I’ve got a few thoughts to share from these last few months. I’ll try and get ‘em out on the blog soon.
(And for all those who could identify the opening comic quote – give yourself 3 extra points)
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