
Taboos and Issues

For those of you who haven't been checking out the updates on Ben and Jess' Blog, you'll be happy to know that the Lord has blessed me with a job. I'm teching English at new EFL school here in Malta called The Chamber College. It's a blast!

Among many other things, the school has a mini resource area for the teachers, where all kinds of books and curricula are available for lesson planning. Among the many useful classroom tools is an awsome, spiral-bound, photocopied little book called Taboos and Issues. It's basically just a bunch of news snippets, activities, and questions to act as conversation starters about, well... taboos and issues. One of the chapters is called "Politically Incorrect". It's hilarious because there's a page full of jokes, which they're saying people might find offensive. So you're supposed to read the jokes and mark how offended you are on the scale, and then... NOT TELL THEM TO OTHERS!? Yeah right! They're hilarious! Here's three of the funniest that I hadn't heard before: (if you're offended, then... well... I'm sorry. mark it on the scale.)

Q: What has four legs and eight arms?
A: A pit-bull terrier on a children's playground.

Q: Why do Italian men wear lots of gold chains?
A: So they know where to stop shaving.

A Limmerick:
There once was a man from Calcutta
Who had such a terrible stutter
He said, "Pass the h-ham,
And the j-j-j-jam,
And the b-b-b-b-b-b-butter."


At 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...reminds me of an old song, "What A Difference An "a" Makes". Or was it, "A Day Makes"?

Hopefully, your students aren't teched when their instruction is completed. That is, unless they were that way in the first place!

Sorry, I could't pass it up!!


At 9:17 AM, Blogger Missy said...


Oh man!

I haven't checked this blog in a while; just been looking at merhba. But this is killer and i LOVE those jokes!

They all get a bona fide 7 on my scale of offense, which ranges from 6 to 43.

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