
Unparalelled Parents

As I continue my blog featurettes on those near and dear to my heart, I’m excited to post something about the two most incredible people I know. My parents. Now my blog readership at this point probably still only consists of friends and family, so most of you are already acquainted with “The VM’s.” But as much as they might mean to all of you, there’s no way you could ever understand how much I love, appreciate, respect, honor, and enjoy my mom and dad.

I don’t really have the words or the time to express all the awesome things that they’ve done! I mean, they’ve been investing their lives in me since birth! And not only did they do the normal obligations of parents like put food on the table and a roof over my head, but they poured out endless love, encouragement, inspiration, discipline, advice and support. They’ve put way more of themselves into me than any other parents of any other children that I’ve ever seen. I can’t even begin to fathom the debt I owe them! Cuz it’s not just the big things like sending me to Sunday school or paying for several semesters of college that has helped me to this point in life, but simply their constant devotion, day in and day out, to being loving parents.

Now I could go on about how awesome their parenting has been, but you might as well just attend one of their parenting classes. Or I could talk about how their marriage, very tried and very true, has made our family a source of unconditional love, but you might as well ask them about the premarital counseling they do. Instead, I’m just trying to express to you how much I think of them – and I can’t! I mean, these people are outstanding, wise, caring, thoughtful, smart, and… and they’ve invested their time in me?!

My mom is the most awesome mom on the planet! Not only has she cared for me unceasingly, but she’s also one of the coolest ladies I know. And her thoughtfulness and advice continue to be one of the most valuable blessings. And my dad is the best dad I could imagine having! Not only did he teach me cool stuff like how to play chess or eat an ice cream cone, but he’s also continued to be a source of wisdom and an example of character.

Oh, and did I mention that they’re the coolest and funnest parents around! Even my friends think so!


At 2:35 PM, Blogger Missy said...

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At 2:43 PM, Blogger David Tieche said...

Aaackck *hack* Aaaack.




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