
The answer that matters most

So I just started this blog a couple of weeks ago and you’ll see that I’ve just posted a few silly ramblings so far. But I figure it’s time to post something like a statement of purpose. As the title says, I don’t have a lot of answers except that ones that matter most. Here’s what I mean.

I’m sick of humanistic pride! It’s a real turn off to me when people think they’ve got the answers or that their powers of reason are some how the ultimate force in the universe. You see, I attended San Jose State University for four years, a school that’s pretty well recognized in California as one of the most “liberal.” Not as famous as Berkeley, but the same academic culture. Again and again I sat through lectures from people who seemed to think that human culture was the highest form of knowledge, or that scientific deduction held life’s final answers. Again and again they bashed the Christian worldview and blamed “Christian” civilization for their personal pains and for most of the world’s ills.

Also again and again I saw my outspoken, Christian classmates blab out simplistic arguments and get quickly shot down. Again and again they overlooked the personal issues of the individual, and reasoned using scriptural principles, which were meaningless to the intellectual opposition. Frankly, I was just as sick of them. They also seemed to think that they had all of life’s problems figured out or that their faith gave them a superior point of view. And talking amongst themselves since then, they think they know exactly what Jesus would do in most situations.

And the thing that really gets me is that it all only results in unsympathetic intellectual impasses. Everyone thinks they’ve got the answers. Perspectives are invalidated. Feelings are hurt. Staunch opinions only dig in further. Superior reasoning degrades the opposition. No relationship is ever fostered. No one ever finds the Truth. And even amongst brothers I’m not sure if God is ever glorified. Everyone thinks they’ve got the answers.

Well, I don’t know the end of all things. I’m not sure if Plato’s Republic is a good idea or not. I’m not sure what Jesus would say to Nietzsche. And I’m not sure what Jesus would say to George W. But I’m pretty darn sure that arguing about it hasn’t gotten anyone much of anyplace that I’ve ever seen.

Here’s what I do know: I was born with every blessing. I was raised in the best of all possible circumstances. But left to myself, I’m still a pretty pathetic person. Left to myself, I do pretty foolish things and I can’t find peace. Here’s what I do know: I’m not left to myself. I’ve got a wonderful, unexplainable relationship with Jesus. I follow his lead ‘cause it’s made a positive difference in my life. Here’s what I do know: His words and ways sustain life. And any man or woman can begin a heartfelt relationship with him like I have, and they will also find peace and the means to handle life’s problems.

That’s the only answer that matters!


At 12:10 PM, Blogger David Tieche said...

Hey Ben (and Father VM too),

So I read your blog. It really made me think, especially about how beneficial "arguing" really is. I was especially impacted by this paragraph:

And the thing that really gets me is that it all only results in unsympathetic intellectual impasses. Everyone thinks they’ve got the answers. Perspectives are invalidated. Feelings are hurt. Staunch opinions only dig in further. Superior reasoning degrades the opposition. No relationship is ever fostered. No one ever finds the Truth. And even amongst brothers I’m not sure if God is ever glorified. Everyone thinks they’ve got the answers. I think about how many wars (both literal and metaphorical) have been fought between folks who are damn sure that they KNOW for sure what the right position is on, say, baptism, or end times or the authority of kings on earth.

Silly. Non constructive. Probably even sinful. I think about all the people I know who want so badly to be right but don't care at all about being loving. Which is just as important.

But now, thanks to your post, I have even MORE questions. Certainly it's okay to be damn sure about something. I mean, isn't it? Aren't those called convictions? And aren't convictions what principled men build their lives around, and isn't that what makes men not only monsters, but heroes?

I think about all the times when people have held to a belief, and it's mattered immensely. And they have tried really hard to convince people that they are dead wrong in their assessment of something. I mean, certainly it's possible for people to be dead wrong about things. Isn't it okay to confront people who are spewing out venom or bad ideas or falsehood? Or is that only okay if their beliefs are hurting others, which is rare these days in the US. Or is your point that those conversations can only happen when there is also relationship, which most of the times is sorely absent.

I guess I am just asking for clarification. Is your point that empty theologizing never leads to anything but hurt feelings? Or is your anger over how people argue? Or is your point that there is never going to be unity, so why try - just live and let live? Or is does this come on the heels of a difficult experience you recently had?

Just interested in your perspective....

At 4:08 PM, Blogger BenandJess said...

Dave, thanks for the comment. That's a good perspective to address. But let me first give a shout out to my dad for the comment he posted.

I was going to send him an e-mail to say thanks, but I actually honestly don't have the words. I'm so incredibly honored that he would comment on my little blog. And I'm outrageously encouraged that my thoughts might be along the same line as his. For those of you who might stumble on this blog out of the blue, when he posts a comment it's to your best benefit to listen up. I would be proud to someday be half the man that he is!

Okay, as for the answers that matter most, you're absolutely right that one ought to have convictions. And as you said, that's what principled men build their lives on. I think it's good to stand up for what's right. But I hate it when men stand up for being right. And that's really more in the attitude than the subject of argument.

Let me clarify. There's two kinds of pride that make me sick. First, I'm talking about Humanism. Humanism is a bona fide religion that appears in different ways in our society. It's main belief is that mankind is the be-all end-all of existence. It holds that human reason is the superior intellect in the universe and that human culture is the most significant development of time. For example the Humanist Manifesto states,

"FIFTH: Humanism asserts that the nature of the universe depicted by modern science makes unacceptable any supernatural or cosmic guarantees of human values. Obviously humanism does not deny the possibility of realities as yet undiscovered, but it does insist that the way to determine the existence and value of any and all realities is by means of intelligent inquiry and by the assessment of their relations to human needs. Religion must formulate its hopes and plans in the light of the scientific spirit and method."

Did you catch that? It insists that the way to determine the value of reality is by intelligent inquiry! Are they really so smart? Are they so important? I mean, these people look at the extent of the cosmos and still think they are the pinnacle of existence! They literally believe that the meaning of life is to study ourselves (Humanist Manifesto's eighth tenet).

The second face of this kind of pride comes from the opposite direction, from Christians. I hate to see when Christians sacrifice fellowship with others for the sake of being right. Like the humanist, they seem to think that their powers of logic or revelation are something uniquely superior and worth defending.

My point is about the attitude of the argument. Why argue? What affect do you expect to have? Why are you right? I'm not so much talking about standing up against the wrong things around you; you ought to do that.

My point is that, I wish that Christians would more often have an initial attitude of humility when they encounter a brother (or sister) they don't agree with. I wish they would think "your perspective is valid too." Because the only thing that I think we can (and should) be absolutely sure of is that Jesus is the answer. I mean, I'm not even sure of how his presence in my life is possible! But it is, and it's the answer. Beyond that...

Who's to say?

At 8:53 AM, Blogger David Tieche said...

Thanks for the clarification, Ben. Good points all. But you seem pretty tender about this issue: is this on the heels of some dicussion you've had recently? You just seem fired up about it, is all. Also, how do you go about stopping this kind of destructive "quarreling" among brothers? I guess the first step is not doing it yourself.

But enough of that. I would now like to pick a fight with you, a duel to the death, because you have insinuated that I am not the be-all, end-all intellectual force in this universe. I challenge you to a game of Connect 4, loser to be vanquished by dagger.

At 10:33 AM, Blogger BenandJess said...

I accept your challege! But beware, my friend, for the powers of Connect 4 are strong with me. When my victory is complete I shall mercifully subject you only to a lashing with a wet noodle.

Actually, for anyone just tuning in, Dave is one my best friends. He's an awesome man with more than few godly insights to life. You should check out his blog at davespeaks.blogspot.com. You'll laugh a lot and learn even more.

As for my feelings on the topic of pride, there's not so much any particular or recent incident that brings it all to mind. I think it's just a passion of mine that's developed from what I know of God and what I've seen of mankind. I guess it's just coming out now 'cause I've never had a blog before. I'd like to think that it comes from a heart of worship. Like David said in Psalm 8:

Oh LORD, our lord,
How majestic is your name in all the earth!...
When I consider the heavens,
The work of your fingers,...
What is man that you are mindful of him?
The son of man that you care for him?

Or one of my favorite songs says:

Only you can shake the mountians
Only you can calm the oceans
Only you can hold the heavens in the palm of your hand

Tell me who can look inside me
Tell me who can purify me
Tell me who still loves me deeply more than I understand
Only you

With a word you spoke the heavens into place
Scattered stars and gave the Earth its frame
What is man that you should touch him with your grace?
And who am I, oh God, that you would know my name?

At 1:30 PM, Blogger David Tieche said...

That's funny, I don't recall ever writing that...

Oh, you meant King David. Right.

Ben raises an interesting point about how finite our powers of perception and rational thought are.

However, I would like to warn against extremism. Ben's line of thinking has been improperly understood and used, in the past, to justify anti-intellectualism. As if nothing in this world can really be figured out, so why try. People sometimes put "Science and Reason" on one side of the scale and "Religion" on the other: as if to have one, you can't have the other. And there are some pretty fabulous examples of non-thinking Christianity, like the church imprisoning Galileo.

America, too, is pretty anti-intellectual (maybe all nations are, but I only live here). If you want proof that America doesn't value intelligent thought, just look at who got the lowest billing on "Gilligan's Island." The Millionaire? His wife? The movie star? No. It was the Professor. More screen time went to a barely competent mariner who wasn't even fit to captain a toilet. Meanwhile, this dude could make a transistor radio out of fruit, and the TV show spent the majority of time zooming in on the cute girl with the checkered shirt. Are you kidding me? Of course, the whole time you just kept thinking, "If you're so smart, Professor, why don't you build a BOAT."

So as an educator, I would like to encourage people to use all their powers of intellect. But to Ben's point, part of that is realizing just how far those powers go. Or don't go. This is probably why, even today, you can go to Greece, the cradle of philosophic thought in the Western World, and amidst their feta-strewn shores, you'll find Greek legend after Greek legend warning against "hubris" and "tempting the gods" and "putting olives up one's nose." Ahh, the Greeks know us only too well.

As Ian Malcolm said, after nearly getting eaten by a Tyrannasaurus Rex in the book Jurassic Park, "You spent so much time wondering if you could do it that you never stopped to think if you should.

Indeed. Indeed.

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